Friday, August 03, 2007

Lifting the so-called "drinking ban" at Autzen Stadium

There is this editorial in today's Register-Guard discussing that the Eugene City Council is essentially "legalizing" public alcohol consumption at tailgaters in the Autzen Stadium area only. Well, I don't know about anyone else, but the consuming of libations at Autzen has NOT been actively enforced for many years, that I can tell. And I don't understand why everyone's panties are in a bunch now, all of the sudden. Sure, you get a few drunken yahoos (i.e. mostly students) that can ruin everyone's day, but for the most part, folks at tailgates act fairly responsibly.

Personally, I leave the drinking to other people, so the "legalization" doesn't really affect me while I'm at Autzen. But after the game?? Well, there have been a few harsh car wrecks involving other fans, going home up Interstate 5. You just have to be alert, and on the lookout.

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